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Devenport, Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, Virginia Tech. The flow dynamics are characterized by A, the molecular mean free path, in relation to some characteristic dimension such as the diameter of a pipe. Ensure accuracy with our fuel injector calculator tool Calculate a static flow in moments. INPUT: M1 Fanno Flow Perfect Gas, Gamma INPUT: M T/T P/P P o /P o U/U 4fL/D (s-s)/R Rayleigh Flow Perfect Gas, Gamma INPUT: M T o /T o T/T P/P P o /P o U/U (s-s)/R Javascript by William J.
Def get_rayleigh_pressure_ratio ( mach_1, mach_2, gamma = 1.4 ): '''Return p2/p1 for Rayleigh flow''' return (( 1 + gamma * mach_1 ** 2 ) / ( 1 + gamma * mach_2 ** 2 )) def get_rayleigh_temperature_ratio ( mach_1, mach_2, gamma = 1.4 ): '''Return T2/T1 for Rayleigh flow''' return ( (( 1 + gamma * mach_1 ** 2 ) / ( 1 + gamma * mach_2 ** 2 )) ** 2 * ( mach_2 ** 2 / mach_1 ** 2 ) ) def get_rayleigh_density_ratio ( mach_1, mach_2, gamma = 1.4 ): '''Return rho2/rho1 for Rayleigh flow''' return ( (( 1 + gamma * mach_2 ** 2 ) / ( 1 + gamma * mach_1 ** 2 )) * ( mach_1 ** 2 / mach_2 ** 2 ) ) def get_rayleigh_stag_temperature_ratio ( mach_1, mach_2, gamma = 1.4 ): '''Return Tt2/Tt1 for Rayleigh flow''' return ( (( 1 + gamma * mach_1 ** 2 ) / ( 1 + gamma * mach_2 ** 2 )) ** 2 * ( mach_2 / mach_1 ) ** 2 * ( ( 1 + 0.5 * ( gamma - 1 ) * mach_2 ** 2 ) / ( 1 + 0.5 * ( gamma - 1 ) * mach_1 ** 2 ) ) ) def get_rayleigh_stag_pressure_ratio ( mach_1, mach_2, gamma = 1.4 ): '''Return pt2/pt1 for Rayleigh flow''' return ( (( 1 + gamma * mach_1 ** 2 ) / ( 1 + gamma * mach_2 ** 2 )) * ( ( 1 + 0.5 * ( gamma - 1 ) * mach_2 ** 2 ) / ( 1 + 0. The nature of gas flow in pipes and ducts changes with the gas pressure and its description is generally divided into three parts or regimes. Dynamic pressure is the kinetic energy of a flowing fluid - liquid or gas - per unit volume.